Running a Law Firm on Open Source, for Open-Source Software Developers and Other Clients
Adam Saunders
Thu, 10/29/2015 - 15:00
Topic Area: 
Open Source
I'd talk about what software I use, how Linux can help lawyers, why I provide and what it's like providing legal services around open source.
Presentation Description: 
I'd being with a brief history of my interest in computers. I'd talk about how I discovered key writings about free software and open source (e.g. Richard Stallman's and Eric Raymond's essays) and how that got me thinking about the political implications of an information economy built on proprietary software. That influenced my path in law school to focus on computer hardware and software law. I'll talk briefly about my law school career. I'll then talk about my computer system setup (e.g. Fedora 22 running open-source productivity software). I'll talk about what type of technical work I do for software developers (sometimes that means looking at a GitHub repo and doing a source code audit for licensing issues). I'll also talk about the areas where proprietary software still holds an influence over lawyers, and what my wishlist would be for open-source alternatives. I'll then answer questions. I don't think I'll need more than 30 minutes (not including questions).


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